Tag Archives: science

September 14

Pop Chart Lab — Mixing Data and Design

The older I get the more I appreciate good art and design. I love that you can use it in your home to display all sorts of things; where you’ve been, where you want to go, your likes and your dislikes. Pop Chart Lab Pop Chart Lab was created in 2010 by Patrick Mulligan and […]

September 02

Dino Pet – Photosynthetic Pet

Let’s be honest; not everyone should be a pet owner. You may have the caretaker instinct, but no time or space, or even comprehension of picking up after your pooch. From pet rocks to robot dogs, there have always been options available to those that feel pet deprived and lack these essentials. But when these […]

July 25

SAMS Shark Deterrent Wet Suits

Take Back the Ocean It seems like everyone’s obsessed with sharks. Ever since “Jaws” shocked audiences and emptied beaches, they’ve glided their way into the public conscience. They’re on our t-shirts, cell phone cases, billboards, heck, people even mark their calendars every year for the week Discovery Channel dedicates to their general awesomeness (this year’s […]

July 13

CAT – Satellite Thrusters

The Mini-Satellite Thruster Once the CAT spacecraft is ready for launch it will be deployed as a secondary payload on a much larger satellite rocket launch. The CAT engine is turned on once safely deployed away from the larger satellite. The first words on their kickstarter page: “The CAT plasma thruster will propel a 5kg […]