Tag Archives: Recreation

screenshot August 22


Social Planning Made Simple Tired of keeping track of long entangled email threads or group text messages while making plans? Not even sure what you would like those plans to be, let alone when and where they are taking place? I don’t know about you but that pretty much sums up how my social life […]

July 31

Hövding’s Invisible, Inflatable Helmet

Helmet Head I couldn’t tell you the last time I rode a bicycle to get somewhere. Either because it’s too much effort to take my bike down, it’s too humid to do anything but sit in an air-conditioned vehicle, or because of a lesson that’s been drilled into my mind since my training wheel days: no helmet, […]

July 15

Doggy Doo All – It’s not just a leash

Why I’m so intrigued Let’s start with a short backstory on why this buzzin’ biz caught my eye. A little over a year ago my boyfriend and I decided it would be a good idea to bring a little fuzzy friend into our lives. We traveled all over our city looking for the right little […]

July 12

SNUG – No more ruined utensils

What a perfect name for this cute and practical kitchen accessory. These little snuggle bugs stick onto any pot, plate or dish to save your utensil from scorching heat or slipping into the mess. I have personally lost many spoons to the ol’ “quick slip” technique they secretly plan while I’m not looking. Or how […]