Tag Archives: Facebook

October 21

Now, I’m not much of a skater. And by “not much,” I mean everything I know about skateboarding comes from X Games reels, Lords of Dogtown or Tony Hawk’s ProSkater. To be completely honest, I haven’t even seen that movie. But something I do pride myself on is bringing cool products to light. And on […]

October 06

Flip My Tie — Reverse your tie while on the go

I’m a self proclaimed “messy eater.” There are very few times that I eat a meal and don’t spill something on myself. Though I’ve yet to find something to fix this problem for myself, I did run across a product that can help many other people I know–reversible ties. Flip My Tie Flip My Tie […]

September 26

Privacy Pop – Seclusion When You Want It

Everyone has those days when they want to climb into bed, get under the covers and cocoon themselves away from the world. For those of us that don’t have the luxury of their own space or are saving on rent by sharing a room, the wonders of technology have brought us Privacy Pop. The tent […]

September 19

Red Fred Project – 50 Books for 50 Kids

  Some things seem to exist just to warm your heart. Yes, there are atrocities and injustices going on in this world, but knowing that there are still people committed to making the world around us a better place keeps the optimist in me alive. The video above is a perfect example of just that. If you […]

September 16

The Green Jean – Upcycle your Wardrobe

If you’re not down with saving the planet these days, you’re either woefully out of style or painfully out of touch with reality. In which case, this post is not for you. However, if you are a proud citizen of the globe and want to find a new way to help save the planet you […]

September 14

Mo’s Bows – Fashion With Flare

Everyone likes to look good. But, to be honest, shopping is boring, time consuming and all too often it seems like you can never find just what you were looking for. The rise of the internet has brought an end to the rack perusal for most of us, but unfortunately some groups have more trouble […]

September 14

Pop Chart Lab — Mixing Data and Design

The older I get the more I appreciate good art and design. I love that you can use it in your home to display all sorts of things; where you’ve been, where you want to go, your likes and your dislikes. Pop Chart Lab Pop Chart Lab was created in 2010 by Patrick Mulligan and […]

September 08

Crown & Axe — The Simplicity Wallet

I always hate having to carry big purses/wallets/etc. with me everywhere i go. But I have to have a wallet to carry my cards, a purse to carry my wallet, and so on and so forth. I’ve tried numerous ways of downsizing what i carry with me; and I really thought I had tried everything. […]

September 05

Sesame Ring – Wear Your Fare

It’s the middle of rush hour, you’re being pushed towards the queue line by fellow commuters, and digging through your pockets and bags for your metro card is leaving you empty handed. Your card never seems to be where you left it and is never on hand when you need it. Riding public transport is […]

September 04

WISHI – Wear It Share It

WTF is WiSHi. Wouldn’t we all like to know. Ladies, let’s face it. We’ve all been there and we have no reason to be ashamed. Whether you were getting ready to meet up with friends for coffee, head to class, or even prepare for a first date, you somehow managed to pull everything from closet […]

September 01

Wine Koozies from It’s Personal

It’s Personal is an awesome shop I found on Etsy where you can purchase anything from mouse pads, to luggage tags, to license plate frames. You can choose from a variety of colors, prints, and monogram styles to make anything you’re purchasing unique and personal. Everything you purchase is made to order, right from the […]

August 26

WildHelp App – Emergency Animal Rescue Services

Half the battle Between planes, trains and automobiles, we’ve all had the misfortune of finding an injured or dying animal in the wild. One of the worst parts of said situation is wanting to help, but being powerless to do so. I wouldn’t know who to call if I found an injured otter on a […]

August 13

The Wrapp App

Gift giving seems to be a little more hectic than it used to be. What do you give to someone who could have virtually anything they wanted with just a click (and with free shipping with Amazon Prime)? You don’t want to give up the search of finding “the perfect gift” for someone in fear […]

August 12

CupToMug – Improving Your Conveniences

Spill No More There’s nothing wrong with paying $4.75 for a quick cup of warm, mocha goodness every once in a while. Or having an account at your favorite coffee shop to earn those coveted rewards every time you drop in. There’s also not a problem with having the app on your smartphone of said […]

August 11

Lumi — Design Printed Tee’s With Sunlight

Kick Your DIY Tee’s Up a Notch I’ve gotten bored with the same old same old in the world of DIY clothing. Cutting old concert tee’s into fringed crop tops, sewing a printed pocket onto plain tee’s, you get the gist. However, I believe I’ve found the perfect product to spice things up again. Wear […]

August 05

Wootch Child Locator Watch

Breathe Easy Kids are reckless. It’s one of the benefits of having no responsibility, along with Saturday morning cartoons and a high tolerance for mysterious Blue flavored candy. Parents however do not have the luxury of being reckless when it comes to little ones and must attack new and advanced dangers with as much fervor […]

August 02

myType™ Wireless Keyboard

Give your screen a break I’m addicted to my iPhone. So addicted that I’m a bit ashamed. So addicted that if it were found out that the root of the Terminator uprising was found in my dependence, I would tweet my apologies out and ask Siri to find the nearest bunker. Scarcely a day goes […]

July 29

Looky Loo Light

Say Cheese Every family holiday, barbecue, and get together has a few things in common. Your cousin will try to bum cash off of you. Your Aunt will ask why you aren’t married yet or having children by the dozens. Your grandmother will pile your plate higher than physics should allow and claim you still […]