Tag Archives: Clothing

September 25

Poshmark — Share Your Closet

My Latest Addiction Okay guys, I’ve been active on Poshmark for 24 hours now and the addiction is real. I laid in bed last night–far later than my bed time–exploring this wonderful app filled with fashionistas and new shoes and vintage accessories and everything a clothing addict could wish for. Also, I checked the app […]

September 14

Mo’s Bows – Fashion With Flare

Everyone likes to look good. But, to be honest, shopping is boring, time consuming and all too often it seems like you can never find just what you were looking for. The rise of the internet has brought an end to the rack perusal for most of us, but unfortunately some groups have more trouble […]

September 04

WISHI – Wear It Share It

WTF is WiSHi. Wouldn’t we all like to know. Ladies, let’s face it. We’ve all been there and we have no reason to be ashamed. Whether you were getting ready to meet up with friends for coffee, head to class, or even prepare for a first date, you somehow managed to pull everything from closet […]

August 30

La Messon — Personalized Wedding Hangers

Bells are ringing, bubbles are being blown, Pinterest pages are being bombarded with photos of dresses and flowers and DIY decorations…wedding season is in full blast. While my daily pinning (pinteresting?) was taking place, I of course was enthralled by all of the enchanting wedding photos that were showing up from fellow pinners. Then I […]

August 18

Hanbi Kids — Changing How You Dress Your Kids

Who is Hanbi? Hanbi is a 4 year old Westie/Miniature Schnauzer mix. It’s owners are HJ and Ilya, the creators of the Hanbi Kids clothing line. This adorable dog is the face of Hanbi Kids, with its unique look of always having one ear up and one ear down. What Makes Them Unique Hanbi Kids […]

stylishandcool July 28

Stylish Girl + Cool Guy-Organize Your Closet

Stylish + Cool I’ll start by saying that I have downloaded countless numbers of fashion related apps, and time after time they become forgotten, then deleted. So the other day while browsing through new apps I ran across Stylish Girl (they have a Cool Guy app too!) – my immediate reaction was to skip over […]