Privacy Pop – Seclusion When You Want It

Everyone has those days when they want to climb into bed, get under the covers and cocoon themselves away from the world. For those of us that don’t have the luxury of their own space or are saving on rent by sharing a room, the wonders of technology have brought us Privacy Pop. The tent that lets you carve out your own bubble in an occupied area.


What’s the Buzz?

Privacy Pop is a pop up tent that lets you create your own space no matter where you are. Ever worry about bothering your roommates while up late studying or needing privacy to conduct your illegal meth empire? Never again! With Privacy Pop you can have the coverage and privacy that you’ve always wanted, while lounging comfortably in bed.

The bed-tent blocks out light for the night worker or vampire, is water repellent (great for camping) and fits most standard bed sizes, including the ever elusive Twin XL of dorm rooms everywhere. Great for studying in solitude or just listening to music without bothering others, if you have ever had the experience of sharing a room, you’ve already wished for a Privacy Pop, but now it’s finally available for purchase.


How Does This Thing Work?

Created for portability, the Privacy Pop comes in a carrying bag for easy transport. The tent easily folds flat and is equipped with directions to guide through the set-up and breakdown processes.

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The tent has mesh windows on the head and foot to access light and comfortable airflow. Doors are on both sides and can be fully zipped up for privacy or zipped down for accessibility. Additionally, for the tech savvy (who isn’t these days?) the Privacy Pop has an electronic port opening to allow users to connect cell phone or laptop chargers.

It’s a dream come true for the introvert in all of us. Your own personal movie theater/library/spa that doesn’t require putting on pants.

Get One

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