The Wrapp App

Gift giving seems to be a little more hectic than it used to be. What do you give to someone who could have virtually anything they wanted with just a click (and with free shipping with Amazon Prime)? You don’t want to give up the search of finding “the perfect gift” for someone in fear of receiving the oh-so-dreaded “It’s the thought that counts!” comment. You’re better than that! At least you hope you are. So what are you going to do? Re-gift your last birthday present? Box up some wine glasses you found at the thrift store?

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Ladies and gentlemen, I have found the perfect solution for all of your gifting needs. Let me introduce you to the Wrapp app. “Wrapp is a fun and easy way to give free gifts and paid gift cards to your Facebook friends.” You guys, it doesn’t get easier than that! Wrapp is not only a FREE app, but it’s available in both iTunes and Google Play app stores (go #TeamDroid)! Wrapp offers a great variety of brands to choose from, providing great options for your gift giving gallivanting. To redeem your gift card, all you have to do is open the app at the time purchase at the store. Your gift card will prompt you with directions on how to proceed with checkout. SO SIMPLE!

Another great thing about Wrapp is that they offer free gift cards for you to give to your friends from time to time. So you should definitely be on the lookout for the occasional free $10 bonus card for say, H&M.

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So the next time that you find yourself in a pickle for a last minute gift, try using Wrapp! It’s easy, affordable and cuts down your gift finding stress by 30%*.

Check it!

*Note: We at Buzzmilk have not actually tested the data for Wrapp cutting down your gift giving stress, but we love this app!