TMI Stereo – Wireless Bluetooth Speakers


Let me just start by saying – I want these.

Through Buzzmilk – I come across a wide variety of great ideas and awesome new businesses – but I personally want to own not just a set of these speakers but the entire concept. It’s genius. The makers of TMI Stereo boast the ONLY split wireless bluetooth speakers – giving you a portable surround sound system – no wires – no hassle.  Pretty slick idea and I’m surprised this isn’t more popular. Not only are these speakers cutting edge – but they are designed beautifully and their performance is unlike any other portable speaker.  Check out this comparison chart.


Very impressive decibel difference, pricing, and feature comparison.  What totally blows me away is that you’re really buying two separate units.  If your wife or husband wants to take a speaker with them to another part of the house and play their own music – they can!  You can split the speakers and run them with 2 separate devices.  Obviously, you can also combine them into one unit to play from one device.  What a unique and amazing feature that we have never seen before in mobile entertainment. If I had the capital – I would be investing in this company right now. These are going to start trending quickly – especially when they release their “color” variations. I know my girlfriend will want some pink ones – am I right?











If you love music, gadgets, or home entertainment gizmos – go buy one now… seriously.

TMI Stereo